
I am a German archaeologist with a specialisation in landscape archaeology and GIS-based methods.

I gained professional experience in Germany and Saudi Arabia and have a passion for the archaeology of road systems. Beside my academic career I work as a freelance map designer and Web Developer. This Website serves as a portfolio and presents a few of the projects I worked on over the last years


I started to study Prehistoric Archaeology at the Free University Berlin in 2009. In 2013 I graduated with the Bachelor of Arts and continued directly with the consecutive Master in the same field.


2014 I started to work at the TOPOI excellence cluster in Berlin where I developed my specialisation for the methods and perspectives of landscape archaeology.


Between 2014 and 2016 I regularly worked at the Orient-section of the German Institute of Archaeology, mainly at the DFG-funded Tayma project, from where I drew his inspiration for my Master thesis “Evaluating Arabia’s trade routes with Least-Cost-Paths”.


2018 I finished my Master studies and followed up with 1 year abroad in Australia and Asia where i gained interesting insights professionally as an Archaeological Consultant but also mentally as a traveller and guest to many fascinating cultures.


2019 i returned to Germany and decided to become a programmer and 2020 I started a job as Webmaster in the German Archaeological Institute overseeing the online presence of the world´s largest research institute on archaeology.


The output of my academic work can be found on my Academia profile. Professional experience is summarised in my LinkedIn profile or as PDF. And finally my Github Profile.


If you are interested in my research or design products please feel free to contact me via